Why thinking of India in terms of India-1, 2, and 3 might not be sufficient?
What is Power to me, and why do we need new power laws for this new world?
We as a society must strive to create positive unintended consequences for our actions
Nationalism and Patriotism: Why being personal is Okay!
ROI of B2C Marketing campaigns should be get calculated based on a minimum of 5 years
Launch of Jile Health, Part-2: Subjectivity of information is the biggest problem
Nature Vs Nurture: I think we as a society must stop making these subconscious mistakes
It is okay to build people’s Car - Model T - rather than the world’s best Car - Rolls Royces
Rewind: 2022 “Thank You, everyone!”
Why is selling only STATUS not enough for Bharat? A potential framework
Decoding Bharat Pricing behaviour using Behavioural Economics - Bharat’s Pricing Framework
Lack of Startups building Platform for Bharat with “Come for tools and stay for Network mindset”
How can we deflate the prices of physical world products, especially Food?
Here is what most of us are missing about the future of India's farming and agritech scenario
Why do I find the work of government, RBI, Policymakers etc inspiring?
How did we achieve per KG wheat production in less than 2 Seconds from 90 Seconds, and why plant-bas
Why only the right to build, execute and scale is not enough?
The crazy possibilities of 10 minutes Cab: Part-2
The Crazy possibilities of 10 minutes Cabs: Part-1
Launch of Jile Health, Part-1: India’s motivation to pay - a framework!